Wednesday, August 29, 2012

 San Diego 

We spent a week in San Diego with Robert's family. We had such a great time sight seeing, visiting with each other, watching the olympics and all the kids playing together. Besides the sunburns and sicknesses it was a wonderful week. 
Hannah and Rowan..she just loved spending time with her cousins.
The night we arrived (July 28th) we went to Sea World for a bit. We all loved watching all the animals there.

 Mormon Battalion Museum 

On Sunday, July 29th we went to the Mormon Battalion Museum. It was a nice refresh on the pioneers and all they did to set the stage for us today.

 San Diego Zoo

We had a nice time at the zoo. Hannah loved seeing the animals, waving to them and getting anyone who was willing to let her walk.

Hannah relaxing in the hammock and the rental house.

The Beach

Hannah loved the beach. She loved walking on the sand, putting her feet in the water and exploring in the sand.
Robert and his dad relaxing in the sun

Hannah started getting sleeping and would lay her head down on the sand for a minute then sit up and smile.

Happy Birthday!!!

It was my birthday while we were there. All the kids put together a scavenger hunt for me to find my presents. It was so much fun especially to watch their faces as I went a hunting for more clues.

Becky's birthday was the day after mine so we celebrated big with two cakes.  (One cheesecake and a chocolate cake)
Hannah loved exploring all over the rental house. She was all over the place; inside and out.

 Wild Animal Park

It was really neat to see the animals in their element. I loved that they had more room to move around in a more natural environment.
Feeding the birds. Hannah loves birds and always points to them in the air. She was loving having one so close.
Hannah loved the carousel. The last time we tried she cried and would only let me hold her. This time I found one that didn't go up and down. That was the ticket...She loved it!
Tickle, Tickle! Hannah was loving getting a tickle from her cousin. They were so cute on the ride home.
After we returned home our garden had gone wild. The plants double or tripled in size and we had tons of produce.

Hannah in her pool. She absolutely loves water and always wants to swim. She has now figured out how to climb in and out.

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